Long term effects of double charged hemihypoglossal-Facial Nerve Neurorrhaphy on the histological structure of orbicularis oculi muscle

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Faculty of Dentistry Minia University

2 Department of Histology and Cell Biology Faculty of Midicine Ain Shams University


Objective: to assess the effect of Hemi Hypoglossal-Facial nerve neurorrhaphy (HHFN) with double charge "supercharge"
technique on the structure of orbicularis oculi muscle (OOM) fibers in goats.
Material and method: The current research was carried on six goats where the right side acted as experimental while the left
acted as control without any intervention. The right Facial nerve (FN) was intentionally transected and immediately repaired
using an ipsilateral end to end hemi hypoglossal nerve
(HHN) neurorrhaphy to the distal facial trunk and end to side to its proximal end "supercharge". One year later animals were
anaesthetized and samples were bilaterally harvested from (OOM). Both groups were histologically and clinically assessed and
Results: Double charged neurorrhaphy technique revealed the preservation of the normal histological pattern of muscle fiber,
arrangement, shape and diameter. However, collagen fibers were significantly increased around the muscle fibers (P < 0.05). On
the other hand, the nuclei retained their normal number and sites.
Conclusion: HHFN with supercharge histologically preserved the structure of the OOM fibers reflecting the excellent clinical
outcome of the technique.
