Guide for Authors

Tutorial Videos 

 Author Guide Video

 Reviewer Guide Video

 Editor Guide Video 

Note: These instructions comply with those formulated by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). For further details, the authors should consult the following article: International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” New Engl J Med 1997, 336:309–315. The complete document appears at

Redundant or duplicate publication 

We ask you to confirm that your paper has not been published in its current form or a substantially similar form (in print or electronically, including on a web site), that it has not been accepted for publication elsewhere, and that it is not under consideration by another publication. The ICMJE has provided details of what is and what is not duplicate or redundant publication. If you are in doubt (particularly in the case of material that you have posted on a web site), we ask you to proceed with your submission but to include a copy of the relevant previously published work or work under consideration by other journals. In your covering letter to the editors, draw attention to any published work that concerns the same patients or subjects as the present paper.

Conflicts of interest 
EJOMS requires authors to state all possible conflicts of interest, including financial and other relationships on a separate line in the Acknowledgements section of the paper. If you are sure that there is no conflict of interest, please state so. The ICMJE provides further information on conflicts of interest. Remember that sources of funding should also be acknowledged in your paper on a separate line in the Acknowledgements section.

Permission to reproduce previously published material 
EJOMS requires you to send us copies of permission to reproduce material (such as illustrations) from the copyright holder of the previously published material. Articles cannot be published without these permissions.

Patient consent forms 
The protection of a patient's right to privacy is essential. Please send copies of patients’ consent forms on which patients or other subjects of your experiments clearly grant permission for the publication of photographs or other material that might identify them. If the consent form for your research did not specifically include this, please obtain it or remove the identifying material. A statement to the effect that such consent had been obtained should be included in the ‘Methods’ section of your paper.

Ethics committee approval 
Submission of a manuscript to EJOMS implies that all authors have read and agreed to its content and that any experimental research that is reported in the manuscript has been performed with the approval of an appropriate ethics committee. Research carried out on humans must be in compliance with the Helsinki Declaration. A statement to this effect should appear in the Methods section, including the name of the body which gave approval. Informed consent should also be documented. Similarly, for experiments involving animals, you must state the care of the animal and licensing guidelines under which the study was performed. If ethics clearance was not necessary, or if there was any deviation from these standard ethical requests, please state why it was not required. Please note that the editors may ask you to provide evidence of ethical approval. If you have approval from a National Drug Agency (or similar) please state this and provide details, this can be particularly useful when discussing the use of unlicensed drugs. Manuscripts may be rejected if the editorial office considers that the research has not been carried out within an ethical framework.

We ask all authors to confirm that they have read and approved the paper. Second, we ask all authors to confirm that they have met the criteria for authorship as established by the ICMJE, believe that the paper represents honest work, and can verify the validity of the results reported.

All persons designated as authors should qualify for authorship and all those who qualify should be listed. Each author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content. One or more authors should take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole, from inception to published article. Authorship credit should be based only on 1) substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; 2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; 3) final approval of the version to be published. Conditions 1, 2 and 3 must all be met. Acquisition of funding, the collection of data or general supervision of the research group, by themselves, do not justify authorship. All others who contributed to the workers who are not authors should be named in the Acknowledgements section.

Copyright assignment 
Papers are accepted for publication on the understanding that exclusive copyright in the paper is assigned to the Publisher. Authors are asked to sign a copyright assignment form at the revision stage and to submit it with their revised manuscript. Without the signed copyright form, the manuscript cannot be published. Authors may use material from their paper in other works published by them.

Peer review policy 
The decision to publish a manuscript is based on the opinion of the editor and at least two other reviewers. Articles containing statistical analysis will also receive a statistical review. Reviewers’ names will not be revealed to the author, nor will authors’ names be revealed to editors. Manuscripts are accepted for publication on the understanding that they have not been submitted simultaneously to another journal and that the work was not previously published. Prior publication of abstracts will not prejudice publishing of the complete study. The editors reserve the right to make editorial and grammatical corrections. The editors cannot be considered responsible for damage or loss of typescripts, illustrations or photographs. Statements and opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authors and the editors disclaim any responsibility or liability for this material.


On-line manuscript submission: All manuscripts must be submitted online through the new web site at First-time users: Please click the Register button from the menu above and enter the requested information. On successful registration, you will be sent an e-mail indicating your username and password. Note: If you have received an e-mail from us with an assigned user ID and password, or if you are a repeat user, do not register again. Just log in. Once you have an assigned ID and password, you do not have to re-register, even if your status changes (that is, author, reviewer, or editor). Authors: Please click the log-in button from the menu at the top of the page and log in to the system as an Author. Submit your manuscript according to the author's instructions. You will be able to track the progress of your manuscript through the system. If you experience any problems, please contact

The manuscript should be set out as follows:

  • Each section begins on a separate sheet: title page, abstract, text, acknowledgment, references, illustrations, and legends for illustrations (Qualifications of the author will not be included in the published article).
  • The title page should give the following information: Title of the article, name of each author, name & address of the institute to which the work should be attributed, name, address, telephone, fax number & email address of the author responsible for correspondence and the keywords.
  • The second page should contain the abstract not exceeding 200 words.
  • The manuscript should be typed with double spacing and a margin of 3cm all around.
  • Authors should retain a copy of the manuscript for reference.

Reference format: 
The accuracy of references is the responsibility of the author. All references cited in the article must appear in the list of references. References in the text should use superscript numerals. List of references at the end of the article should be arranged alphabetically and numbered and must contain the names of all authors.

Titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the international list of periodicals, title word abbreviations as used by Index Medicus. When citing papers from monographs and books, the name of the author, title of the chapter, editor of the book, title of book, publisher, place and year of publication, number of first and last pages must be included and should follow these examples.

Farbod F, Kanaan H, Farbod J. Infective endocarditis and antibiotic prophylaxis prior to oral/dental procedures: latest revision to guidelines by American Heart Association published April 2007. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2009: 38: 626-631.

Weiss SW, Goldblum JR. Soft Tissue Tumors, fourth ed, Mosby, St. Louis, 2001: 597. 
Garrett WR, Abbey PA, Christensen RW. Temporomandibular joint reconstruction with a custom total temporomandibular joint prosthesis: use in the multiply operated patient. In szabo Z, Lewis JE, Fantini GA, eds: SurgicalTechnology International. San Francisco: Universal Medical 1997:347-354.


Here are the basics to have in place before submitting your digital art to the journal.

  • Artwork saved as TIFF and EPS files. Do not save TIFFs as compressed files. Powerpoints are also acceptable.
  • Artwork created as the actual size (or slightly larger) it will appear in the journal. (To get an idea of the size images should be when they print, study a copy of the journal to which you wish to submit. Measure the artwork typically shown and scale your image to match.)
  • Crop out any white or black space surrounding the image.
  • Text and fonts in any figure are one of the acceptable fonts: Helvetica, Times Roman, Symbol, Mathematical PI, and European PI.
  • Color images are created/scanned saved and submitted as CMYK only. Do not submit any figures in RGB mode because RGB is the color mode used for screens/monitors and CMYK is the color mode used for print.
  • Line art saved at a resolution of at least 1200 dpi.
  • Images saved at a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
  • Each figure is saved as a separate file and saved separately from the accompanying text file.For multi-panel or composite figures only: Any figure with multiple parts should be sent as one file with each part labeled the way it is to appear in print.


  • Artwork generated from office suite programs such as CorelDRAW, MS Word, Excel, and artwork downloaded from the Internet (JPEG or GIF files) cannot be used because the quality is poor when printed.
  • Cite figures consecutively in your manuscript.
  • Number figures in the figure legend in the order in which they are discussed.
  • Upload figures consecutively to the Editorial Manager web site and number figures consecutively using the Description box during upload

Articles accepted for publication include:

  • Research studies.
  • Clinical studies. These include procedures and case reports, clinical research and observations.
  • Letters to the editors are subject to editing and condensing. Criticism should be objective and constructive.
  • Miscellaneous. These include: 
    Calendar of events: A listing of significant scientific events; Editorials; Guest editorials; and Book reviews. 

Article Processing Charge: 

The journal is published in both print and online version and all articles published in the journal are fully open access and freely available online, immediately upon publication. Publication Fee is free of charge.