profile of body mass index of upper Egypt children

Document Type : Original Article


1 lecturer department of pediatric dentistry and dental public health, faculty of oral and dental medecine soutgh valley university

2 oral maxillofacial surgery, faculty of oral and dental medicine ..south valley university


Introduction : Underweight and heavy weight is significant signs to suspect health problem,as malnourished,diabetic,anemic
patient or even patient under chemotherapy program so that awareness of such problems through society is very important.
Aim of the study : The aim of the study is to give an idea about body mass index prevalence among a culture of female and
male children of Upper Egypt ,visiting faculty of oral and dental medicine south valley university , Qena governorate.
Material and methods : both weight and height of children visiting our faculty of dentistry were recorded and related by
special equation to obtain body mass index ,and four categories of body mass index was obtained .
Results : 511 children were examined, and the body mass index was 70.7% Underweight, 21.7% normal 4.3% Overweight and
2.9% obese .
Conclusion: underweight category was the most prevalent one throughtout this study ,and this may lead to medical disorders
and social awareness is mandated to manage this problem .
