Quality of Life assessment in patients that underwent tongue cancer resection utilizing a specific designed questionary

Document Type : Original Article


Hamad medical corporation Maxillofacial Surgery


Quality of life is important in patients given the diagnosis of cancer of oral and oropharyngeal areas, due to the complex
and morbid surgeries usually speech, language, in addition to swallowing function are affected, therefore, quality of life
can potentially be significantly impacting causing esthetics, functional and social issues for the patients. There are multiple
investigations that assess the quality of life of this previously mentioned patient after surgical procedures. However, few
studies focus on oral cancer specially tongue cancer. Since most of articles assess all head and neck cancers, which conform
to a heterogeneous group with several different features depending on location (oral cavity, oropharynx, larynx, hypopharynx,
nasopharynx, and salivary glands). The aim of this study was to assess the quality of life (QOL) and survival in patients with
tongue cancer adjusted for important clinical, demographic, and lifestyle-related factors in a tertiary referral center using and
specific design questionary evaluating subjectively the impact of tongue cancer in their daily life.
